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War update: новое оружие солдата.

War update: новое оружие солдата.
Team Fortress 2 - War update: новое оружие солдата.War update: новое оружие солдата.

Ракетница The Direct Hit (Прямое попадание)

Основное: точнее, чем оригинальная ракетница, но с менишим радиусом взрыва, который уменьшен аж на 70% относительно оригинала.

- ракеты летят быстрее на 80%.

- прямое попадание в противника на 25% мощнее, чем у основной ракетницы.

- радиус взрыва уменьшен на 70%.

- При попадании по противнику, находящемуся в воздухе происходит мини-крит. (+ на 25% мощнее удар, в общем верная смерть)

Оригинальный текст:

The Direct Hit

Nobody can deny that, measured solely by their ability to blow people into chunky clouds of tomato soup, rockets are an incredible force for good in the world. But with their wide blast radius, they are not a particularly terrific weapon for showing off your sharpshooting skills.

Until now. A high precision version of the standard-issue rocket launcher, the Direct Hit has been engineered from the ground up for Soldiers who have mastered the art of shooting at their targets instead of vaguely near them. Those of you looking to deal splash damage, stop reading now: the Direct Hit has a 70% smaller blast radius than a traditional rocket launcher. But the rockets that come out of this thing move fast and hit hard: 80% faster and with 25% more destructive force. Best of all, for you real sharpshooters, the Direct Hit guarantees mini-crits on airborne targets.

Страница на teamfortress.com: http://www.teamfortress.com/soldierupdate/

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